books, classics, review

Popular Classics I REALLY Didn’t Like

I've read a lot in my life. I've always loved books, so I have a lot of opinions on books. I tend to not really tell people what books I dislike, because some people get really angry when you don't like their favourite book. That, and the fact that it doesn't matter. But I've been… Continue reading Popular Classics I REALLY Didn’t Like

books, classics, review

Review: the Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan

I've been on a real classics kick lately! I decided to expand my usual classic taste, and I dared to venture into Edwardian classics ( gasp!).  So, did my brave venture work out for me? Adventurer Richard Hannay, just returned from South Africa, is thoroughly bored with London life-until he is accosted by a mysterious… Continue reading Review: the Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan

books, classics, review

Review: the Turn of the Screw and Other Stories by Henry James

I used to be an au pair, just like my mother and grandmother before me. I'm really proud of it and I loved the job! I heard about the Turn of the Screw, I was told it was horror story about a governess and two little children, and got really curious! I picked up this… Continue reading Review: the Turn of the Screw and Other Stories by Henry James

books, classics, review

Review: the Time Machine by H.G. Wells

After falling in love with H.G. Wells in Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery I really wanted to read books written by him. Like, the actual real life him, not the actor. As I told you guys in a blogpost before, I really love the Oxford World Classics books, and they had several of H.G. Wells books,… Continue reading Review: the Time Machine by H.G. Wells

books, classics, review

Review: Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola

I wrote a post about how to read Classics, and a reader, Clara Bennet, recommended this little one! Did I like it as much as she hoped? Therese Raquin is a clinically observed, sinister tale of adultery and murder among the lower orders in nineteenth-century Paris. Zola's dispassionate dissection of the motivations of his characters,… Continue reading Review: Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola

books, classics, Detectives, review

Review: the Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle

Here we are again with another Sherlock Holmes novel! How did I enjoy this one? Ok, I'll get this out of the way first, this is my favourite Sherlock Holmes story by far. Mary gets introduced in this one too! Why do I love this story so much? Because the main characters are ridiculous and… Continue reading Review: the Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle

books, classics, review

Review: Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote

I love, love, LOVE, Audrey Hepburn. Honestly love her. Having watched Breakfast at Tiffany's, I wanted to read the book as well. But how do they compare? I'm not going to waste much of my time on this book. This is a HORRIBLE book. Don't get me wrong, it's greatly written, but oh god. The… Continue reading Review: Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote

books, children's books, classics, review

Children’s Book Sunday: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens and Peter and Wendy by J.M. Barrie

As you probably know, I love classics and I love children's books, so Peter Pan should be right up my alley, right? I was really excited to read this one, but did it live up to my expectations? We all know the Disney version of Peter Pan, or maybe you know Finding Neverland [I am… Continue reading Children’s Book Sunday: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens and Peter and Wendy by J.M. Barrie

books, classics, review

Review: the Haunted Hotel by Wilkie Collins

Here we are again with another Wilkie Collins review! I've been searching for this book for MONTHS, has it been worth the wait? First things first, what is this book about? This sounds like a ghost story if  I ever heard any, but it isn't, not really, unfortunately. The story revolves around one family and… Continue reading Review: the Haunted Hotel by Wilkie Collins